Beauty Matters
Written by Kendall Bergman
I was watering some plants on my back patio the other day when I looked up and noticed the crepe myrtle tree in my backyard. Back in February I had the tree pruned back. And boy was it pruned back…bald is how I would describe it. I was sure it wouldn’t bloom this year.
I was wrong. As spring arrived the branches began growing back…green leaves started showing up and then one morning I looked up and there were the vibrant magenta blossoms I thought I’d have to wait another year to see. Every day since I am delighted to see those sweet little buds littering the yard…providing a pop of pink on a canvas of green grass.
In a moment the gift of beauty washed over me. I looked up at the clear blue sky and was reminded that even in a busy, congested, concrete-filled city…beauty is all around…all the time…free to take in and always available.
If I believe anything, I am convinced there is a Creator who is the source, originator and author of beauty who invites us to bear witness. We get to see a full moon when we are driving home at night…and again when we are headed to workout pre-sunrise the next morning. Creation is a constant reminder and invitation…beauty is and beauty matters.
We are witness to the beauty in nature…we are potential contributors. Thank you to the artists, poets, philosophers…your work is a gift to us. Every time we are captivated by a painting, taken back in time by a song, lost in the plot of a favorite novel…we are transformed…even for a moment.
When we are overcome by the beauty that is all around we are reminded not to forget…to always remember that beauty matters. Beauty reminds us that God is…that we are not alone…that beauty is and beauty matters. Look up…you may be surprised by what you see.