Self-care and self-compassion

Written by Kendall Bergman

Happy new year! As we say hello to 2022, set our intentions and determine how we will be this year, I am thinking a lot about self-care and self-compassion.

I understand self-care as stopping to breathe (with intention) in the middle of meeting deadlines, splurging on a relaxing facial or massage or simply taking a bubble bath at the end of a busy day.

In short, I think we all have an idea of what self-care is…whether we practice self-care or not is a different issue…a topic for another day. FYI, National Bubble Bath Day is coming up on January 8. I highly encourage you to light some candles, turn on calming music, draw a bath, throw in some bubbles and relaxing essential oils, lay back and close your eyes. Remember to include #BubbleBathDay. Remember the bubble bath episode of Friends? Chandler learned a lesson. You can Google it if you aren’t familiar.

Self-compassion takes the notion of self-care to a deeper, more vulnerable and courageous level. It’s a master class of sorts focused on the intention and purpose of self-care. Self-compassion answers the question of “Why does self-care matter?” It matters because you matter. It matters because you are likely beating yourself up for missing deadlines, yelling at your kids, spilling the milk or failing to understand your worth as a human being.

Self-compassion invites you to lay down your weapon of choice when you start beating yourself up, forgive yourself and begin practicing curiosity about what’s underneath your self-doubt and self-loathing. It is my belief that every human being has been created in the image of a great, creative, perfect and loving God. We all have a choice for how we respond to this truth. Even so, the reality that we are image-bearers is more than enough to choose self-compassion and discover the worthiness, love and acceptance that is your birthright.

How will you choose today?

I would love the opportunity to meet with you for a complimentary discovery session and to share more about the importance of self-compassion that underpins our self-care practices. Email me at today.

Interested in learning more about radical self-acceptance, please check out Dr. Kristen Neff’swebsite. She is a pioneer in the field and offers relatable, practical and doable insight and guidance.


Getting Organized


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