Becoming Reconnected

Written by Kendall Bergman

Do you know what motivates you? Do you know your internal true north? Do you wonder why you experience internal conflict or turmoil when your desire to move toward your true north is impeded by the requirements of your job that insist you go south? If this description resonates with you, it is likely you could benefit from The Core Beliefs and Values Assessment.

One of my clients was amazed as we used it to identify his core beliefs and values. He realized that parts of his workday include meetings, activities and tasks that are not directly aligned with a couple of his primary drivers and core values…developing strategy and creating new tools to solve existing problems. This guy comes to life when he is creating new pathways for his team to more easily understand and reach their north star and achieve shared goals.

Through our work together in uncovering and identifying his values, he was able to clearly see when he was working outside of these identified values and key drivers. This has freed him up to delegate, reprioritize and pivot when he knows his core beliefs and values are being offended or challenged and then connect with what naturally motivates him. By identifying, knowing and connecting with his true north, he has connected more meaningfully and deeply with others.

Schedule time for a complimentary discovery session  or email me at if you’re ready to begin your own journey toward a more integrated and grounded life.


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