Checking on Your 2022 Intentions

Written by Kendall Bergman

Back on January 1, we invited you to share your word for 2022 here. A few days later, I wrote a blog sharing some thoughts on self-care and self-compassion. Then a couple days later, I wrote a piece on the benefits of getting organized. Throughout January, I’ve been thinking about who I am and how I be. Upon reflection, I believe this has played out in all of the content created and produced since we rang in this new year.

My ponderings have perhaps appeared random. But on closer inspection, I am hopeful you will find the common thread around purpose and intention. I have not perfected, mastered or even completely achieved the goals I set for myself yet…the goals that were a natural outpouring as I contemplated the many facets of the word I selected for 2022 as the target I’m aiming for. As a reminder, that word is Trust.

Trust is not a one and done…trust is a conditioning, a practice and a choice. It’s not compulsory, obligatory or mandatory…it’s an invitation and a response. As I think about who I am and how I want to be…I can tell you that I trust. I trust God to direct my steps…most often one step at a time. I trust my family and friends to love me…encourage me when I’m down, call me out when I’m hiding, offer me truth when I’m believing a lie, and remind me I belong when I feel alone. I trust myself…that I’m growing in wisdom, discernment and belief…even when I don’t believe.

Concrete, tangible, holistic and…yes…even SMART goals have resulted from the intention living in a single word. Goals that include:

  • Developing rhythms to quiet every evening so that I am better prepared to protect my early morning prayer and meditation.

  • Moving my body by walking my dogs at least 30 minutes 5 days a week and working out with a trainer 3 times a week.

  • Exercising my brain by turning off the show I’m bingeing and opening a book that will invite me into a new thought, new perspective, and possibly even a new world.

  • Prioritizing and protecting how I spend my working hours to cultivate, grow and stabilize The Discovery Well.

What is your 2022 word? What intention have you set so that your goals are not only possible, but realized? What is a helpful slight shift in perspective that could crack open countless opportunities?

Listen, y’all…no judgment here. I’m still bingeing Gilmore Girls for about the 4th time until late into the evening, which is messing with my desired morning rituals. But the intention remains, because I know (REALLY KNOW) from previous experience that when I choose what is best for me (a.k.a. less watching a screen and more opening a book) just about every other part of my life benefits…I am more motivated to focus on work, more excited about moving and more hopeful about what is possible instead of settling for what seems impossible.

Are you curious about what the universe is inviting you into? Could you use a partner to dream with, a supporter to challenge the lies that continue to hold you back, or an encourager to develop structures that aid in your success? If you answered yes, don’t wait. Schedule a free consultation with me today!


Self-awareness…a Place to Start


Self-worth and Confidence