Random Acts of Kindness Day

Written by Kendall Bergman

I could use more kindness in my life. I would be so grateful if the old guy on the bike at White Rock Lake would say “on the left” with a smile on his face instead of a sour scowl shaking his head in disgust as he rolls past me, my 2 dogs and close friend. It would do my heart wonders if the customer service rep at my internet company even pretended to care about the frustration I’m experiencing with intermittent outages. I might run my car off the road if the person tailgating me slowed down and didn’t lay on their horn. How about you? 

As I write those specific examples, I realize that more than anything I want…in the deepest, best parts of me…to be that person not reacting to the old guy on the bike. I want to be the woman who is able to sincerely and authentically smile and wish that guy well. I want to be the woman who is curious about who the unhelpful customer service rep is…it’s most likely they talk to one angry customer after the other, are underpaid and underappreciated. I want to be the person who moves to the other lane letting the person in a hurry pass on by. 

Understand me here…I am not talking about denying myself, ignoring my feelings or becoming a doormat. What I’m talking about is honest human kindness…person to person…from one moment to the next. Fairly tipping the waitress at my favorite diner…Looking the homeless guy in the eye and offering a sincere smile…Thanking the person checking me out at the grocery store. 

What if I could express gratitude and practice patience? On this Random Acts of Kindness Day, how will you exercise the privilege of recognizing, honoring and appreciating the humanity of your friend, your neighbor or the stranger walking past you?


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