What Do You Want?

Written by Kendall Bergman

I recall several years back being asked, “What do you want?” It stopped me in my tracks. I imagine I stammered a bit…hemmed and hawed…and finally said, “What do I want? Well…how should I know what I want?” 

I felt defensive and suspicious. Isn’t thinking about…and naming…what I want indulgent and selfish? Shouldn’t I be more concerned about the desires of others? Isn’t that what a good person does?

It’s my experience that this is a common experience. I might be able to tell you what I need, but how dare you ask me what I want. 

I am a person of faith and I believe that God is. I further believe that God deeply cares about me as a person…the longings of my heart, my deepest desires and wildest dreams. That same God invites me to step into what is immensely uncomfortable in order for truth to emerge.

As you start the new year with resolutions, goals and intentions. What could it look like for you to take a step back and start with some meaningful reflection? Are you curious about who you are and what you want? Or, does it simply feel too scary and dangerous to get that close to yourself?

I’m right there with you. I’d much rather watch another baking show…British, American…whatever. I’d rather take down the Christmas decorations. I’d rather clean out the trap under my bathroom sink.

But, I know how important it is to search my soul, pray for guidance and name what terrifies me to name. So, here goes.

  • I want a life partner…someone who loves me and who I can love in return.

  • I want my relationship with God to matter more than anything else in my life.

  • I want to care less and less about the approval of others.

  • I want to believe the truth of who God created me to be.

  • I want to remember who I am when I forget. And I forget a lot.

  • I want to be free from comparing myself to others…to their standards of beauty, wealth and acceptability.

  • I want to be more faithful to follow through with self-imposed assignments…like writing this blog.

  • I want to be honest in my relationships. I want to tell the truth and be able to trust that others are telling me the truth in return.

  • I want to express my creativity more courageously. 

  • I want to be vulnerable and know when shame creeps in…name it, forgive myself and move on.

Does any of this resonate with you? If so, I encourage you to consider and name what you want. You don’t have to do this alone. Email me at kendall@thediscoverywell.com today to schedule a free discovery call.

You are on the cusp of something that really matters. Don’t ignore that internal nudge!


Practicing Gratitude


Where Do You Belong?