Taking Action Based on Your Values

Written by Kendall Bergman

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve shared my perspective on why values are important and how to identify your values. This week I’m going to offer a bit of guidance on how to take action based on your values. Keep in mind these posts are not exhaustive…not even close. They are intended to serve as a snapshot and an invitation for you to dig deeper into your soul to discover, uncover and recover the core of who you are.

As you begin or continue on this path of living a life more in tune and alignment with your values, you will experience greater clarity and confidence. When internal and external circumstances and situations are in direct offense or opposition to your core values, I encourage you to dial up your curiosity, dial down judgment and just breathe. Which of your values are being challenged?

Remember that life is a journey and that all you ever have is here…this moment…the now. By the time you finish reading this blog, it will be past and you will be in a brand new now. Try to embrace that…each moment…right here. As you practice awareness of and being in each moment, you lessen the power of living for tomorrow and lamenting or romanticizing the past. The basic invitation is simply to be. 

This practice of presence will serve you well as you experiment and play with this notion of living a values driven and motivated life. Here’s where action comes in. Once you’ve identified your values and practiced staying in each moment, you now have the opportunity to make decisions based on your values. Not based on the whim of those around you or what might seem rational or what you think those around you would approve of, but what honest and truly seems right, true and honorable for who you are and how you be.

Listen, I’m not suggesting you become a bulldozer or an insensitive bully. I’m inviting you to live out of your most authentic and truest self. I’m inviting you to exercise discipline, wisdom and control over the choices and decisions you make. I’m inviting you to real and sustainable freedom and responsibility. Do you get it? Or, are you even more confused? There is no right or wrong here…only where you are on your journey.

Do you want to experience more freedom and clarity? Do you want to live from a place of personal responsibility and conscious choice? You aren’t meant to do this alone. Please don’t wait. Contact me via email at hello@thediscoverywell.com to schedule a complimentary discovery session. Or visit www.thediscoverywell.com to complete an online inquiry form.


Maintaining Values in Relationship


Identifying Your Values