Why Knowing Your Values Matters

Written by Kendall Bergman

Do you know what your values are? Do you have a sense of why it matters that you do?  

If you had asked me about my values a few years ago, I would likely have asked “what are you even talking about?” I hadn’t given much time, thought or energy to thinking about the fact that I had values to begin with. Or, I would have told you about my morals…my sense of right and wrong.

I’m not talking about your sense of good and bad or right and wrong. When I use the word values, I’m most interested in what motivates you in your thoughts, decisions and behaviors. When I talk about values, I’m curious about why you think, decide and do what you think, decide or do. Your values are located in those motivations and intentions.

If you ask me today to tell you my values, I can tell you very clearly what they are and why they are important to me.

  • Grace and Gratitude because grace levels the playing field and once you realize that for yourself, gratitude overflows.

  • Order and Presence because where chaos lives there is only space for distracted dissociation.

  • Vulnerability and Courage because living authentically requires stepping into your fear.

  • Curiosity and Openness because every human being was created to be seen and known. By asking questions from a place of sincerity, the door is opened to experience belonging.

You may still be asking why knowing your values matters in the day-in and day-out of life. Whether you are up for a promotion, preparing for a difficult conversation with a family member, or simply interested in living a more satisfying life, knowing your values has the potential to directly aid and improve every area of your life. Knowing your values helps you determine the next thing and can serve as a compass guiding you along your path.

So many people are living a life that is informed, impacted and directed by external forces and the values of other people. They are experiencing deep dissatisfaction, burnout, frustration and immense confusion. Does this sound like you? You don’t have to stay here. Over the next few weeks I’ll write more about values, including how to identify your values, taking action based on your values and maintaining your values in the context of relationship. You won’t want to miss this series!

If you’re curious about identifying your values, learning how to live in alignment with them and ultimately taking responsibility for your life, don’t hesitate to contact Kendall at hello@thediscoverywell.com and schedule a free discovery session. She would love to hear from you!


Identifying Your Values


Love Your Neighbor as You Love Yourself